Witness! What does that really mean?

Simply put it means being aware that you are aware. Who is that that is aware of that awareness?

It is you just being!

It is to discover the space that all things come from, all things exist in, and to which all things return and this is what it means to become the witness. To truly discover what it means to ” just be”.

To just be with what is.

To think that you are witnessing is not witnessing. The mind only recognizes the passages of time, and moments are only isolated segments of this and are simply a mental recognition. So in order to witness as described in many spiritual teachings, one must go beyond the movement of the mind.

It means something just a step beyond just being present because being present is always just one step beyond the eternal now.

If this is heady woo-woo stuff for you, you are not alone. But if you want to transcend all suffering. If you really want to wake up. If enlightenment is why you are here? Then this is the experience one must move towards.

” Discover this as a direct experience and you have lived your life’s purpose. Do this by making the silence your priority” Narain Ishaya, author of Chit Happens.

Start by being present to the present moment, what is here now, and being mindful. Then let the regular practice of mediation bring you to the silence. The universe will take care of the rest.

Join us for some witnessing and meditation Monday nights at 7 PM on zoom, all are welcome.

Reach out via email for zoom and password. 


I would love to answer any questions or hear some feedback.

Peace and thanks for your support. Shuka