Silence or stillness is the sweet spot of any meditation practice.

  But as anyone who has meditated for any length of time will tell you it’s all good whatever happens in your practice. Somedays there are lots of thoughts (stress moving). Somedays there are few thoughts and in-between there is stillness. Then again somedays you fall asleep, it’s all good.

  It is as much about the regularity of practice as it is about the experience. The path, the journey is the everyday commitment to doing your practice, and it will always be about that. Once that is firmly established, you will notice you become more aware of stillness, the sweet spot becomes more accessible, recognizable, and desirable. It becomes more prevalent with practice, but all this depends on each individual’s daily life and life experiences.

 Silence or awareness is always there, here and now, It has never left, or has never been not accessible. It is eternal and universal. It is that great connection to our inner sanctum the soul, that unites all and everything. 

 There is no reason why anyone cannot be still or aware. When you are fully aware, conscious, and lucid in this moment. There you are; it’s really not such a big deal to choose for that. The thinking ego would debate that of course. That’s why we practice.

 Want some help with that; drop me a line. Or even just to chit-chat about anything conscious.

  We have Zoom meetings at 8 am Saturday mornings available to everyone, for a little conscious banter, some meditation, and a cup of coffee. Very chill and relaxed, email me down below for zoom info and access.

Peace Shuka /Dean

 If you would like to support the cause have a look at some of the paintings available on the website
 Thank You