Wherever you stand, be the soul of that place.

About Shuka
Purpose & Awareness
Meditation and Yoga came to Shuka in 2006 when stress was the major player in his life. Often in life we come to the tipping point where change is the only option. His doctor prescribed meditation instead of medication, and so he found Ishaya’s Ascension meditation, yoga and a new community to exist in. In 2009 he went all in to become a cloistered monk and learned to be teacher of the ancient practice of Ishaya’s Ascension meditation and later on to become a traditional Hatha yoga instructor.
Today he teaches meditation, yoga and is a full time practicing artist. Lucky is he who is able to find and live his passions.
His practice of meditation, yoga and love for nature greatly influence everything he creates and plays with. There are two ways to consider art and life, both externally and internal. Both require awareness and an openness to just be and experience the ever present sweet spot of the ever generous present moment.
Awareness is the fundamental key to meditation, yoga and the creative force that moves one into the art of self-expression.
His purpose is to be happy and still, just about everyones common desire. Happiness comes from living a life that leads to happiness, and stillness comes from a regular practice of spiritual meditation.
“If I can share and impart some peace, and joy in anyones life through my experiences of a life loved, to make life just a little bit better. Then it has been a good day.” Shuka