Life is such a good teacher that when you don’t learn a lesson, Life will repeat it.
What do we do now?
What do we do now ? It's always going to be about awareness and choices, life is as simple or as difficult as that. You live where you put your attention, and what you appreciate, appreciates. Where your mind goes your energy follows. If your happy just stay their ....
Why Still I Am 1
Still I am 1 is the spiritual awareness of being here and now, an energetic quality of being. It is what I practice both for me and for you. That is what is offered here for humanity or anyone who aspires to wanting something more from life. A shift in consciousness!...

About the Teachings Section
Here you're going to find select inspiring teachings to help illuminate your wellness journey.

Letting Go
Resisting and Accepting Your Truth What am I letting go of in the first place? If this title grabs you, you probably at some point realized you have a story or a drama of some attachment to a way of being thats been created from your life experience.First of all...

Greatest Desire
Being vigilant When ever we teach an Ishayas Ascension meditation course two of the first questions we ask are, what do you hope to gain from this course and what is your greatest hearts desire. Generally speaking most people answer with some kind of answer...